Providence Reformed Church exists to proclaim and participate in God’s restoration of all His creation.  

We do this through the mission of following Jesus and making disciples of all nations so that the nations would be reconciled to God and worship Him rightly and joyfully. We see this mission as beginning right here with our neighbors in Grand Junction and then extending to the ends of the earth. We are committed to the work of worship, discipleship and evangelism because God is at work in the world, filling the earth with the knowledge of His glory as the waters cover the sea.  We believe that God’s purposes for the world through the church will triumph over every evil force, every opposition and every seeming obstacle.

What do we mean by worship?

We believe that worship is at the center of everything the church does.  It is the reason God created us and it is the goal of our redemption.  God-centered and God-honoring worship is the greatest joy and privilege the Creator of the universe has given finite creatures. We believe that worship culminates each week in the corporate worship of God’s people who are gathered in His name to offer up spiritual sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving. Each Lord’s Day, we gather in Grand Junction to receive the abundance of gifts God gives His people through His Word and sacraments; as we gladly give of ourselves in lively, reverent worship.  We believe that worship that honors God and fulfills our human destiny is founded on following what God has called His people to do and be in His Word, the Holy Scriptures.

What do we mean by discipleship?

We believe disciples are all those who are called by the Father, Son and Spirit; baptized in His name; and set apart to live lives full of sacrificial love as God’s chosen people.  Disciples are people who repent of their sins and daily rely on God’s grace for His gracious gifts of both forgiveness and transformation.  We believe disciples of Jesus are people who have been set free from slavery to sin so that through the power of the Holy Spirit we can joyfully run in the way of God’s commandments. We affirm that discipleship will always involve God’s people seeking to submit every aspect of their life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the One through whom and for whom all things were created.  We believe God calls the children of believers to be disciples of Jesus from the youngest age and that discipleship begins from day one for those who belong to God’s family, the church.

What do we mean by evangelism?

We believe evangelism is the proclamation of the best news that has ever been delivered to the world. The wonderful news is that the one, true, Triune God is at work putting the broken world back together. He is at work defeating and overwhelming Satan and every evil power.  He is at work calling a people to Himself to proclaim the greatness of the God who has called them out of darkness into His marvelous light. He has provided forgiveness of sins through the death of God the Son and is recreating the world through the work of God the Spirit. We believe the church has been given a divine mandate to proclaim this gospel to all nations, all peoples, all creation - beginning locally in Grand Junction and extending outward from there. We believe that the proclamation of the gospel in both word and deed is not optional for God’s church; it is an essential part of her calling and mission. We believe it is the supreme act of love to call all sinners everywhere to repent of their sins and put their faith in the crucified, risen and ascended Jesus Christ.